Sunday, 2 November 2014

Angels High Up - Clairtangency


Every place and object has a frequency of its own, and on top of it collects energy of people using them. Altogether it emanates combined energy of its own and people who used it. Clair tangent people are sensitive towards energies of the places and, situations and objects.

Usually Psychometric is defined as Clair tangency but it is just a part of it. In psychometric one can pick up the energies of the person who has been using it for long, in Clair tangency one picks up energies of people via objects, energies of place and situations. If Clair tangency is your strong Clair then you would generally be uncomfortable using someone else’s clothes, jewelry. Although you are not a judgmental person, somehow thinking of wearing somebody else’s clothes would you jitters.

Do you feel uncomfortable using someone else’s clothes or jewelry? Do you ever feel the need to wash your hands after picking up or looking through used items?
Used Clothes and jewelry pick up the energies of its owner; it also carries the emotional state of the person while it was worn. You tend to pick up on those energies and it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Does it sometime feel itchy or strange to sit on theater seats, restaurants, and public toilets? Would you rather walk for an extra than to visit a restaurant or a theatre just because it doesn’t give you a good feel?
Places reflect the energy of people who keep going in and out of it. It collectively sets up the energy for it and your decision to visit it depends on whether or not it resonates with your energetic structure.

Do cluttered places unnerve you? 
Clutter carries scattered energies and these energies can be really intense and unnerving. It can also give out the feeling of being stuck as the energy stops moving in the places where things are kept in a pile and have not been moved for a long time.

 Do you ever find that a messy house or workplace affects your mood and productivity?
An unkempt house used to bring a lot of irritability in me. I need a prim and proper house to myself when I get up in the morning and if that is not the case, my mood used to change, I would get irritable, snappy at times. Earlier I had no clue what was happening to me, it has started making sense to me when I am working with energies and understanding how and where it works at you at subtler level.

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