Wednesday, 19 November 2014

4 Bodies

Our energy structure is not only the physical body . Apart from our physical body we have ethereal, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Our aura comprises of all the subtler bodies that are part of our being. They vibrate at different frequencies. These bodies have various functions to perform, etheric body carries vital prana (life force energy),emotional body takes care of our emotions, mental body of our thoughts and causal body is for our emotional growth and well being.

Etheric body (vehicle of prana)
Emotional or astral body (vehicle of desires and emotions)
Mental body (vehicle of the concrete or lower mind)
Causal body (vehicle of the abstract or higher mind)

Etheric body

Etheric body is identical to our physical body and carries prana (life force energy) for our physical body. It is around 1-1/2 inch away from our body. Any physical ailment that manifests in the body first takes place in our etheric body. Our etheric body is our energetic blue print onto this earth. Each one of us has a unique energy structure different from others.

Our etheric body’s color ranges from blue to gray - gray representing a more robust, athletic type of person and blue being associated with a more sedentary person.

Emotional Body

Emotional body is associated with how we feel. It carries our emotional state; this layer is fluid/gaseous in nature and extends up to 3-4 inches beyond our body. This layer onwards our aura takes an oval shape. It represents our emotional state through the colours. Our aura shows different color depending on our emotional state at that particular time.

We also define connection with emotions through our language: feeling blue with sadness, green with envy, pink associated with love, yellow with cowardice/fear, red with passion or aggression. The happier and alive the emotion, the brighter the colors, repressed and dull the emotions are stagnant and dark colors.

When we’ll learn about Chakras we’ll understand how important these colors are and how they can affect our life. That is why color therapy works wonderfully.

Mental Body

Mental body is around 3 – 8 inches around our body. It is our expression for intellect, ideas and thoughts. It is depicted as bright yellow light emanating, mostly, from our head, neck and shoulders and spreading towards the body. It becomes stronger when we concentrate on a mental task.
Depending on our thoughts it changes the color, brightness of this pulsating yellow light depends on whether or not our thoughts are positive.
This is the level where we hold our thoughts and slowly those thoughts can become our habits, character and so on.

Causal Body 

The Causal body is our connection with the Divine wisdom. It is where we reach to the level of acceptance and we surrender to the higher good for all. It is around 2-3 feet around our body. It is of beautiful golden light.

The lower mind wants things to happen in a certain way and becomes rigid with that idea. It is an egocentric way of looking at things. And we suffer because we feel life is not supporting us with whatever we are asking for. We feel life is being unfair to us, and we tend to ignore the bigger picture.

Here in causal body is where we have a clearer and bigger picture for us. This is where we reach to the level of total trust and faith in whatever is happening, is happening for our own good.

Our aura expands and shrinks depending on how well we are doing in life. It expands when we are in lighter, happier and better state of mind; it shrinks when we are fearful, sad and not trusting the process of life.

Healers and psychics can tune into your aura. Energy healing works wonderfully with aura cleansing and clearing out thoughts, emotions, patterns, beliefs that are floating in our aura. It can also help in strengthening our aura so that we don’t get affected by other people’s energies and their beliefs, thoughts, emotions in our life as we can easily get influenced by those energies if our aura is not strong enough or if it is not in a healthy state.

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